Ich bin gerade über drei spannende Module für dasMenü System in Drupal gestolpert:
This module allows you to turn off the Menu section in the node creation/edit form per node type. This can be a very nice usability improvement since typically only the “Page” node type is used in the menu tree.
Noch mehr Kontrolle bietet: Menu Settings per Content Type
This module allow to set the Menu Settings with certain Menus for content editing by Content Type.
Und da ist da noch ein Modul was ich hier auch schon mal erwähnt habe: Menu block
So if you’re only using your theme’s Primary links feature, you can add and configure a “Primary links (levels 2+)” block. That block would appear once you were on one of the Primary links’ pages and would show the menu tree for the 2nd level (and deeper) of your Primary links menu and would expand as you traversed down the tree. You can also limit the depth of the menu’s tree (e.g. “Primary links (levels 2-3)”) and/or expand all the child sub-menus (e.g. “Primary links (expanded levels 2+)”).